Virtual Teacher Career Fairs
Todd led and organized South Carolina's Statewide Teacher Job Fair for many years. He also launched the first statewide virtual teacher job fair. If you are interested in holding your own virtual career fair, he can help you set that up.
Teacher Departure Protocols
We are experts when it comes to teacher recruitment and retention. Our team can assist your school or district with high quality and reliable exit surveys and interviews with the goal of obtaining the most honest, relevant feedback possible. The data collected could be invaluable as you work to prevent teacher attrition.
Special Education Support
Special education mandates and requirements can produce a number of challenges. Victoria Carey is a veteran special education teacher who can help you meet those challenges. A list of services she provides can be found below.
- IEP Assistance
- 504 Plan Development
- Mentoring New Special Education Teachers
- SC High School Credential Assistance
- Learning Strategies Model
- Self-contained and Multi-categorical Self-contained Models
- Emotional / Behavioral Disorders
- Admin Special Ed. Training and Support